**People focus on passion and romance, but it may be small, daily gestures of love and support that are linked to psychological well-being, suggests new study. People who experienced these had more feelings of purpose and optimism, while those who don’t were more likely to show signs of neuroticism.** [Read Full Article](https://news.psu.edu/story/599763/2019/11/25/research/all-feels-feeling-loved-everyday-life-linked-improved-well-being)



**People focus on passion and romance, but it may be small, daily gestures of love and support that are linked to psychological well-being, suggests new study. People who experienced these had more feelings of purpose and optimism, while those who don’t were more likely to show signs of neuroticism.** [Read Full Article](https://news.psu.edu/story/599763/2019/11/25/research/all-feels-feeling-loved-everyday-life-linked-improved-well-being)


Is it just me or is the “body positive” movement not working? Like at all? Other people have said this before/better, but the problem was presenting all women as beautiful as opposed to eliminating the need for women to be beautiful It’s not working because the focus is STILL on trying to view yourself as attractive no matter how you look, instead of (as stated above) eliminating the need to feel “attractive.“ The body positive movement SHOULD be focused on bodily autonomy and taking care of your health. The best way to be “positive” toward your body is to treat it well, not by repeating some “I am beautiful” mantra over and over. You don’t have to be pretty. You don’t have to see yourself as pretty. Others don’t have to see you as pretty. PRETTY IS NOT IMPORTANT. Pretty is not your worth. You exist for you, not for anyone else’s gaze. You’re worth more than the body you were chanced to be born in. https://a-sudden-enlightenment.tumblr.com/post/170548087496/karnivil-wine-and-queer-inferior-mirage?is_rel


#疫情动态 **【WHO称无症状感染者传染性极低】** ★政府应对措施应集中在检测和隔离有症状的感染者 ★最早期的疫情爆发初步证明无症状感染者也具有传染性 ★世卫组织称尽管可能发生无症状感染者引起的扩散,但这种情况非常罕见 Government responses should focus on detecting and isolating infected people with symptoms, the World Health Organization said. Preliminary evidence from the earliest outbreaks indicated the virus could spread even if people didn't have symptoms. But the WHO says that while asymptomatic spread can occur, it is "very rare." ([CNBC](https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2020/06/08/asymptomatic-coronavirus-patients-arent-spreading-new-infections-who-says.html))


[你对网络隐私有什么看法 ](https://telegram.org/faq#q-what-are-your-thoughts-on-internet-privacy)Big internet companies like Facebook or Google have effectively hijacked the privacy discourse in the recent years. Their marketers managed to convince the public that the most important things about privacy are superficial tools that allow hiding your public posts from the people around you. Adding these superficial tools enables companies to calm down the public and change nothing in how they are turning over private data to marketers and other third parties. 最近几年,像 Facebook 或谷歌这样的大型互联网公司实际上劫持了隐私话语。 他们的营销人员设法说服公众,隐私最重要的事情是肤浅的工具,让隐藏你的公开信息,你周围的人。 添加这些肤浅的工具可以使公司安抚公众,并且不会改变他们将私人数据转交给营销人员和其他第三方的方式。 At Telegram we think that the two most important components of Internet privacy should be instead: 在 Telegram,我们认为互联网隐私最重要的两个组成部分应该是: Protecting your private conversations from snooping third parties, such as officials, employers, etc. 保护你的私人谈话免受诸如官员、雇主等第三方的窥探 Protecting your personal data from third parties, such as marketers, advertisers, etc. 保护你的个人数据不受第三方,如营销人员,广告商等的侵害 This is what everybody should care about, and these are some of our top priorities. Telegram's aim is to create a truly free messenger, without the usual caveats. This means that instead of diverting public attention with low-impact settings, we can afford to focus on the real privacy issues that exist in the modern world. 这是每个人都应该关心的,也是我们的首要任务。 Telegram 的目标是创造一个真正自由的信息传递者,而不是通常的警告。 这意味着,我们可以把注意力集中在现代社会存在的真正的隐私问题上,而不是用低影响力的设置来转移公众的注意力。 We don’t use your data for ad targeting, we don’t sell it to others, and we’re not part of any “family of companies.” 我们不会把你的数据用于广告定位,我们不会把它卖给其他人,我们也不属于任何“公司家族”。 Please note that this does not apply to local restrictions on freedom of speech. For example, if criticizing the government is illegal in some country, Telegram won‘t be a part of such politically motivated censorship. This goes against our founders’ principles. While we do block terrorist (e.g. ISIS-related) bots and channels, we will not block anybody who peacefully expresses alternative opinions. 请注意,这不适用于当地对言论自由的限制。 例如,如果批评政府在某些国家是非法的,Telegram 就不会成为这种出于政治动机的审查的一部分。 这违背了我们 [创始人的原则](https://mashable.com/2015/05/18/russias-mark-zuckerberg-pavel-durov/)。 虽然我们确实封锁了恐怖分子(例如与 isis 有关的[ @ISISwatch channel](https://t.me/isiswatch))机器人和渠道,但我们不会封锁任何和平表达不同意见的人。 机器翻译 by [彩云小译(浏览器插件) ](https://fanyi.caiyunapp.com/#/web)#突破审查 #TelegramTips


#NorBits We need YOUR help! Ole Hello all Norbitsers Several active users have probably noticed that minor cosmetic changes have occurred in Norbits lately, despite several good suggestions. This can simply be explained by the fact that the staff has had enough else to do lately, where the main focus has been to keep the site in full up and operational. It now becomes harder and harder to put in place anonymous donation solutions involving VISA, PayPal etc., so we have to remove these ways of donating, and only accept BitCoin (Other crypto currencies may come in the future). This is something most large private torrent sites still in operation have been doing a while ago. Donations are what keep Norbits alive, and we have had several people who have donated regularly and new users who throw in a penny in the new and again. This may not end even though we are now switching to Bitcoins, if we still want a site to go to for our favorites of Norwegian content ... Buying BitCoins has now become very easy with an explosion of providers as the price went up. The easiest involves getting yourself an online Wallet, so it's very easy for you to buy BitCoins that you can then send straight to us. We encourage users who are technically driven within the anonnym provider / purchase of BitCoins to contribute a guide, a good guide on this will be rewarded with Custom Title and Points. That said, buying bitcoins by itself is not illegal, so you run no greater risk by donating to Norbits with a new solution than you did before! Also hope that we get a nice boost of donations right now so we'll have to build up the reserve bank again! It is the one who has kept us alive for the last 12 months and it is now empty. If we do not receive enough donations in a short time, this can mean the hook on the door for norbits. If we were unable to get enough money, those who donated will get their money back. If you have any further questions or comments you can always send us a PM. More information on how to donate to norbits with BitCoin can be found HERE. Staff 我們需要你的幫助!奧勒 你好所有的Norbitsers 一些活躍的用戶可能已經註意到,儘管有一些很好的建議,但最近Norbits發生了輕微的外觀變化。這可以簡單地解釋為這樣一個事實,即員工最近還有足夠的事情要做,其中主要的重點是保持網站的全面運行。 現在變得越來越難以實施涉及VISA,PayPal等的匿名捐贈解決方案,因此我們必須刪除這些捐贈方式,並且只接受BitCoin(其他加密貨幣可能會在未來出現)。這是大多數仍在運營的大型私人洪流網站已經在做的事情。 捐款是讓Norbits活著的原因,我們有幾個人定期捐款,新用戶在新的和再次投入一分錢。即使我們現在轉向比特幣,如果我們仍然想要一個網站去尋找我們最喜歡的挪威內容,這可能不會結束...... 隨著價格的上漲,隨著供應商的激增,購買比特幣變得非常容易。最簡單的方法是讓自己成為一個在線錢包,這樣您就可以很容易地購買比特幣,然後您可以直接發送給我們。我們鼓勵在anonnym提供商/購買BitCoins的技術驅動的用戶提供指南,對此的良好指導將獲得自定義標題和積分獎勵。 也就是說,購買比特幣本身並不違法,因此通過使用新解決方案向Norbits捐贈比您之前沒有更大的風險! 也希望我們現在得到很好的捐款,所以我們必須再次建立儲備銀行!在過去的12個月裡,它一直讓我們活著,現在已經空無一人。如果我們在短時間內沒有收到足夠的捐款,這可能意味著門上的鉤子。如果我們無法獲得足夠的錢,那些捐贈的人將會收回他們的錢。 如果您有任何其他問題或意見,您可以隨時向我們發送PM。 有關如何捐贈BitCoin軌道的更多信息,請點擊此處。


🖥 **WidsMob Portrait** #Software - It is the name of a simple and practical tool in the field of editing and retouching portrait images, which provides you with comprehensive and professional facilities in this field. With this program, you can easily beautify your portraits with just a few simple clicks and give it a special and spectacular effect. Portrait photographs are so attractive that not only professional photographers; Ordinary people without photography knowledge and experience are also attracted to it. Portrait photography is the most common type of photography that attracts enthusiasts. This technique is a branch of photography in which special attention is paid to the human face. In this method of photography, the human face is the main subject and focus, and all other subjects in portrait photography are considered as a secondary subject. ⚠️ - **Extract file with WINRAR ⚠️ - Password** = `www.yasdl.com` [💻Join us💻](https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAELJBatC0kn4VPBQnQ)



关于网络,我想总结两个主要的观察: ❶ 一群怀揣美好理想做事脚踏实地的人建立了互联网的基础架构和各式服务。 ❷ 然后大量有意引发争端的无聊网红们和觉得世界要围绕自己转的恶霸,开始在其中夺取权力与利益,大加破坏了这个美好的网络世界。 —— 纽约大学信息科技教授莱恩·努尼 [source](https://twitter.com/Sierra_OffLine/status/1640784190223286273)


你是跨性别?你小时候可一点都没表现出来呀! [source](https://twitter.com/assumptionprime/status/1615030861979582494)


并不是女性靠性关系得到升职,而是男性上司利用职务之便,扣住女性下属应得的升职机会,胁迫女性提供性服务。 [source](https://www.facebook.com/feministnews.us/photos/a.110598552620705/1439513833062497/)


请不要把自己当作高人一等的人去监管或审判别人,也不要用“完美的道德”去衡量别人。比如: ❶ 请不要“等着某个人犯错”,然后逮住这个人的失误去大肆宣扬。 ❷ 请不要设置基于身份的准入制度。 ❸ 请不要去质疑别人的被边缘的身份。 ❹ 请不要在团体内部毫无理由地“捉奸细”。 ❺ 请不要无端质疑别人的善意。 ❻ 请不要抓住别人的某个用词然后大做文章。 ❼ 请不要把自己的生活方式强加给别人。 ❽ 请不要在团体内部打压排挤别人。 ❾ 请不要妖魔化别人。 也就是说,请不要鼓励一个充满监控和危险的环境,请不要让人和人之间充满猜忌。 如果你了解纳粹德国的盖世太保秘密警察、苏联的克格勃国家安全委员会、东德的斯塔西国家安全部,还有奴隶制度的运作,你就会知道什么样的组织会去特意打造一个人和人之间互相猜忌的环境,人和人之间互相猜忌的环境里有会滋生什么样的事情。 在这种监控下建立出的权力架构是:你依附跟从的人权力越大,你跟着你依附的人参与监控和迫害越多,你权力就越大。在这样的一个环境里,为了保证自己不会成为下一个“人民公敌”,很多人会自愿监控甚至迫害周围的人。 [source](https://dancinbutterfly.tumblr.com/post/713732754994593792)


你不能改变已经发生过的事情。 但你可以停止把痛苦和伤害再次传播出去。 [source](https://liberaljane.tumblr.com/post/699588084420001792/you-cant-change-the-past-but-you-can-break-the)
